Archive for March 2014

Send the messengers for the Faery Courts. This is the end.
The Summer King is missing; the Dark Court is bleeding; and a stranger walks the streets of Huntsdale, his presence signifying the deaths of powerful fey.
Aislinn tends to the Summer Court, searching for her absent king and yearning for Seth. Torn between his new queen and his old love, Keenan works from afar to strengthen his court against the coming war. Donia longs for fiery passion even as she coolly readies the Winter Court for battle. And Seth, sworn brother of the Dark King and heir to the High Queen, is about to make a mistake that could cost his life.
Love, despair, and betrayal ignite the Faery Courts, and in the final conflict, some will win...and some will lose everything.
I think that this was really lovely ending for this series. I started reading this ovet 5 years ago and I own the first two books that were translated to finnish. After those two, I had long break and then I read the other two books. Somehow I didn't read this last one then, but now I decided to finally read it. And it was so great that I read it in one day, only in few hours.
It's really difficult to describe my feelings after I finished this book. This series was so great that I would've love to read more, but still this was perfect ending. Every story got finihed and everybody got their (kinda) happy ending. Of course we also lost some characters, and every "happy ending" wasn't exactly traditional, but still I was really happy how everything turned out. Personally I would've liked more if Aislinn would've end up with different guy, but I can live with it.
There were so many thing in such a short book. I think that almost every character got the ending they deserved and everything were wrapped up pretty nicely. Even if there was so many things, everything was in balance and it didn't feel rushed. Sometimes that happens when author tries to put too much in a one book, but this was really nicely balanced. There were some characters whose story were left "open" and I would love to read more about them. I don't know if that's going to ever happen, but one can hope. I love this whole world so much, there's so much more we could uncover.
This whole series has been such treat to my imagination and the world is one of the most "beautiful" I've read. I don't know if beautiful is the right word, but you know what mean, right? Author's writing style lets us imagine a lot of things. I can almost see this world and fairies in it. There's that certain magical touch in it. When I was reading this series, there were so many times when I hoped that I could draw those characters and different kinds of fairies.
Thank you Melissa Marr for this lovely magical series. This series is one of my favorites and has been for many years.
Posted by Riikka S in 2011, 5 stars, fairies, fantasy, melissa marr, paranormal, romance, urban fantasy, wicked lovely, YA

When Talia Lyons was just a child, her parents were murdered before her eyes. Offered a choice between accepting their fate and exacting revenge, Talia trains to become one of the country’s deadliest assassins in order to kill the man responsible for their deaths: Ian Crane. Luckily, Talia was born with a gift- the ability to read and influence the minds of others. At sixteen, Talia is poised to graduate from the McDonough School for the Talented, where she learned to control her abilities. Now there is only one obstacle standing between her and the retribution she craves... Talia herself.
Her greatest asset may also be her undoing; while a formidable weapon in the field, Talia’s talents prevent her from both shutting off the mental connection she shares with her questionable boyfriend and blocking out the thoughts of a beguiling fellow recruit. But Talia can’t afford to have the feelings and distractions of a normal teenage girl, when her life is far from normal.
She must regain the single-minded determination that has brought her this far, or it may cost Talia her life when she finally faces Crane. And even after being molded in to a weapon of war, she’ll still have to find the strength it takes to pull the trigger.
If James Bond and Sookie Stackhouse had a love child with a yearning for vengeance, her story would be TALENTED: an adventure about powerful teenagers who aren’t afraid to embrace their fears and fight for what they believe in.
The cover is yet again the first thing I noticed. Usually it it with me. I notice great covers and I ignore books with covers that I don't like. I've probably missed many great books because I didn't llike the cover.
The synopsis summaries the story pretty nicely, so I'm not going to say more about that. There were perfect combination of action and romance. I really enjoyd this book, and I'm going to read other books in this series too. I can't wait to see what's next in Talia's story. I'm pretty sure that there are lot of thing that aren't what they seem to be.
Posted by Riikka S in 2012, 5 stars, dystopia, romance, scifi, Sophie Davis, Talented Saga, YA

Regulars at Nadia's nature lodge don't ask what she does in the off-season. And that's a good thing. If she told them, she'd have to kill them. She's a hit woman for a Mafia family.
Tough and self-sufficient, Nadia doesn't owe anyone any explanations. But that doesn't mean she always works alone. One of her contacts has recruited her in the hunt for a ruthlessly efficient serial killer cutting a swath of terror across the country. The assassin is far too skilled to be an amateur—and the precision of the killings is bringing the Feds much too close to the hit man community for comfort.
To put an end to the murders, Nadia will have to turn herself from predator to prey as she employs every trick she knows to find the killer. Before the killer finds her…
I've read Armstrong's books before, so I knew what to expect. I knew that the writing would be great quality and the book didn't let me down. It was great. Lately I've been reading a lot ya, indie and fantasy books, so it was really nice to read something more mature for a while. It's nice to sometimes forget all text analyzing, teenagedrama, werevolves and vampires and just enjoy the book. This was a great opportunity to do just that.
Like I mentioned I knew that the quality of this book would be good. I loved to read smooth, wellthought storu and I could really notive the difference between this book and some others I've read lately. Everything seemed to fit together nicely and I didn't notice any mistakes or "odd" stuff. I could just enjoy without spotting the mistakes.
I'm not going to say anything more about the plot, synopsis say everything you need to know. This time I'm going to keep my review short and finish it with short summary. Great work, Kelley Armstrong once again. You didn't let me down and it's always a pleasure to read your books. Your characters are wellthought ja your writing is flawless and smooth. They're guaranteed quality which you can read several times without boring. Thank you. I'm going to continue reading Nadia's adventure and I have next book already waiting for me.
(tbr-goal 23/200)
Posted by Riikka S in 2007, 4 stars, adult, crime, Kelley Armstrong, mystery, Nadia Stafford

How can love mend a heart full of hate?
Small town girl, Molly Bennett, moves to Los Angeles where she becomes an outsider while attending Beverly Hills High School. It seems life cannot be any more dreadful. Then one day after school, something magical happens. On a secluded hike in the Hollywood Hills, Molly chases her disobedient mutt and only friend into a hidden cavern. She stumbles upon a strange glimmering gateway that transports her to Arkana, a planet that is the cradle of an advanced human race. There, teenagers navigate amazing flying vehicles, compete in perilous games for glory, and possess supernatural powers. While Molly tries to wrap her mind around this unbelievable discovery, she meets the alluring and mysterious Victor Sorren. He is a Sentinel Apprentice, whose hatred toward people from Earth is beyond understanding. Yet every time Victor unpredictably saves Molly's life, his heart draws closer to hers, no matter how much he tries to fight against it. It further complicates things that their growing friendship is strictly forbidden. Earth people are prohibited in Arkana, yet Molly continues to cross through the portal to Arkana to see Victor. Torn between their double lives, they go down a dangerous path, from where there is no return and multiple endings.
The book's idea and story seemed really interesting and intriguing at first. And I kinda liked the story, but not the writing style. Many times I thought that the characters didn't seem "real", but more like stereotypicals. Chris is typical popular guy flirting with everybody and bragging about girls he's been with. Camilla is also very typical popular girl. It's all about repution and the looks with her. She's pretty cold and mean, but she also secretly hopes that she could someday just relax and wear sweatpants. And the mc Molly... Lonely guitar playing songwriter new girl. Her father is really overprotective and controlling. Molly wants to have an adventure and she falls in love with "bad boys" she feels sorry for. She wants to "rescue" them and she believes she can change them and teach them how to love etc. Almost every character was like picked from the catalog; here's the popular boy, popular girl, lonely new girl, orphan bad boy, overprotective father, absent father.... You get what I mean.
The plot seemed really interesting at first, but the more I read, the more I was confused and uncertain what the actual plot really was. I didn't know what the whole point was and what was the idea and purpose behind the story. Molly finds another world, meets people these and falls in love with the boy who's actually mean to her. What then? Where is the mystery? Or some crime to solve or bad guy to beat or some was between worlds? Who is the villain? There doesn't seem to be any ulterior motive or anything. So I did think that the book was fairly entertaining, if you don't mind that the character are really shallow and stereotypical. But there didn't seem to be any purpose or destination in this story. Sometimes I even had to check that I didn't accidentaly skip over pages, things seemed to jump from scene to other sometimes so randomly. And even when english isn't my first language, even I noticed some funny sentences and stuff. I don't usually notice them, grammar isn't my specialty, but now they bothered even me.
And the more I read, the more I noticed thing that bothered me. I couldn't not to notice how shallow and "false" the character were. I got angrier and angier with every page I read and even considered if I should left this one unfinished. But there were only about 50 pages left, so I decided to finish it. But the ending made me even angrier, it was so unbelievably stupid. First everything is great almost syrupy, then everything goes to hell and then there's magically some "supernatural powers" that save the situation and everything is great again. And moment later everything is going wrong again. And like magic, everything is fine again. And all this in about 20 pages. WTF?
So the result in my opinion is that promising book got lousier and lousier with every page and the ending was just awful. I read the synopsis for next book and it seems interesting, but I'm thinking that I'm gonna pass. I was so disappointed in this book, that I doubt that the next one will be any better. Sorry. It was difficult to decide how many start to give this book, 'cos the beginning was better than the ending. I decided that 2 stars would be appropriate. This book has been compared to Twilight and I can almost see why. There are some similarities, but I actually loved Twilight. This was bad. Well, I was a lot younger when I read Twilight and maybe I've developed as a reader, but I'm still going to defend Twilight. It was great and this was not. Sorry.
Posted by Riikka S in 2 stars, 2012, A. B. Whelan, aliens, fantasy, Fields of Elysium, romance, scifi, YA

When Deanna's missing friend Hyde turns up at his father's funeral to claim his corporate empire and inheritance, she is swept into his glittering world of paparazzi and wealth.
But re-kindling her friendship and the dizzying new emotions along for the ride are the least of her concerns. Because Deanna has a secret – and somebody knows. Someone who is out to get Hyde. And if she doesn't play along, and help the enemy destroy him…she will be sold to the highest bidder in the black market for human swans.
Now Deanna is struggling to break free from the gilded cage that would trap her forever…
Feather Bound is a dark debut reminiscent of Gabriel García Márquez's A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings, and the twisted truth behind the fairy tale of Cinderella.
I received this book from NetGalley in exhange for an honest review.
The idea about human swans seems pretty interesting and I like the idea behind this book. But as whole, this book is not as good as I expected. It's not bad, it was nice to read, but I don't think this book was particulary memorable. I can't really pinpoint it, but something was missing. Maybe I was missing something "magical". I mean that ok, there are human swans, but what can they do? Can they fly? No. Can they maybe sing really good? No. Is there anything magical about them? No. They just are. And if you steal their feathers, they're bound to you.
There are some pieces that reminded me of Swan Lake and The Wild Swans. And I believe that the author has got at least some inspiration from them. And like the synopsis says, there are little bit of Cinderella in a mix. But I really wanted to know more about those human swans. Somekind of backstory or explanation.
There are also a lot of cliches. Poor girl, rich guy, kidnapping, dead mom, alcoholic dad, lazy sister etc.Just I think that if you don't overanalyze this book you can really enjoy it. It was pretty average, but not every book can be great. It was nice Sunday reading book.
Posted by Riikka S in 2014, 3 stars, Sarah Raughley

When everything that defines you is stripped away, who do you become?
For Aris, a talented wingjet pilot, war means sacrificing everything: her home, her name, her face—and the one promise she swore she’d never break.
In the small village of Lux, everyone flies wingjets, but nobody flies them like Aris Haan. When she’s not dancing through the skies, she’s spending every minute with Calix, whom she’s loved since childhood. They plan to Promise, but instead he is sent to defend their dominion against a bloody invasion. Determined not to lose him, Aris follows, joining an underground network of women inside the male-only military. Using secret technology that allows her to pass as a man, she becomes “Aristos”, a Flyer in a search-and-rescue unit.
As Aris grows stronger on the battlefield and more comfortable in her guise as Aristos, her personal mission becomes less and less clear. When she and her enigmatic commander, Major Vidar, uncover an astonishing conspiracy that could destroy everything, she must make a choice that will determine not only the fate of her heart, but the future of her dominion.
I received this book from NetGalley in exhange for an honest review.
My first impressions wasn't very good and my expections wasnät very high. But the story got way better really fast when got "in" it. The setting is pretty typical dystopian style. Story happens in a world where people's occupations gets determined by their school tests etc. You can be Military, Commerce etc... And there's war. So pretty typical...
Aris as a character was at first pretty naivi and blue-eyed and kinda stupid even. In a way she's really brave, but I think it's stupid when someone's whole life depends on one person. And Calix is Aris' whole world. Aris is ready to do practically anything to be with him. She's even willing to cut her hair, pretend to male and join to army just to be near him. But as the story progress Aris grows as a person. Her naivity disappears really fast in a middle of a war. Just the training to be a soldier is hard, but imagine when she really has to go to a battlefield in a mission, just to notice that the family she's supposed to rescue, is slaughtered just moments before the rescueparty comes. Stupid naivi Aris becomes hardcore, strong and brave Aristos.
As whole, the book was really great and I really enjoyd it. I'm looking forward to read the next book and what's more to come.
Posted by Riikka S in 2014, dystopia, scifi, The Diatous Wars, Tracy E. Banghart

London. 1880. In the slums of Spitalfields apprentice blacksmith Luke is facing initiation into the Malleus Maleficorum, the fearsome brotherhood dedicated to hunting and killing witches.
Luke’s final test is to pick a name at random from the Book of Witches, a name he must track down and kill within a month, or face death himself. Luke knows that tonight will change his life forever. But when he picks out sixteen-year-old Rosa Greenwood, Luke has no idea that his task will be harder than he could ever imagine.
At first, I have to admit that magic and history aren't my favorite genres. Usually I read mostly urban fantasy and castles, knights, dragons, princesses, wizards etc aren't not my thing. We'll there aren't dragons in this one either, but you get what I mean, right? I like more future or modern day fiction. But I made an exception with this one, because the cover is so amazing. It's really beautiful and there's just something about it.. I have one bad habit and it's judging book by it's cover. This time is was worth it. The cover is amazing and the story was just as amazing.
At first I was a little sceptical and the beginning wasn't really convincing. Maybe that's just my prejudices about history and magic. So I had maybe a little negative expections. But I was SO wrong. The writing is smooth and the characters deep. The story is interesting and compelling and the whole book was really positive surprise. It gave me a pretty good picture about 19th century London and what life was at that time. And I'm really glad that I was born 100 years later.
The ending was exciting and this part of the story was erapped up pretty nicely. There wasn't that great big cliffhanger, but there were still some loose ends that were left to next book. This book lessened little bit my prejudises toweards magic and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to read more Warburton's books.
Posted by Riikka S in 2014, 5 stars, fantasy, historical fiction, magic, romance, Ruth Warburton, Witch Finder

She could save the world—or destroy it.
Sixteen-year-old Evangeline "Evie" Greene leads a charmed life, until she begins experiencing horrifying hallucinations. When an apocalyptic event decimates her Louisiana hometown, Evie realizes her hallucinations were actually visions of the future—and they're still happening. Fighting for her life and desperate for answers, she must turn to her wrong-side-of-the-bayou classmate: Jack Deveaux.
But she can't do either alone.
With his mile-long rap sheet, wicked grin, and bad attitude, Jack is like no boy Evie has ever known. Even though he once scorned her and everything she represented, he agrees to protect Evie on her quest. She knows she can't totally depend on Jack. If he ever cast that wicked grin her way, could she possibly resist him?
Who can Evie trust?
As Jack and Evie race to find the source of her visions, they meet others who have gotten the same call. An ancient prophesy is being played out, and Evie is not the only one with special powers. A group of twenty-two teens has been chosen to reenact the ultimate battle between good and evil. But it's not always clear who is on which side.
What's common between the Tarot cards, zombies and the end of the world? One of these doesn't seem to belong, but Kresley Cole has created just such an incredibly unique story. Wow. What else can I say? The book was just amazing, even though most of the time I was totally baffled. The story is told in such way that you realize what's going on just almost at the end. I just had to read and read in order to know more one piece at a time. This was another one of those books that messed with my sleep, because I just could not put the book out of my hands.
Tarot cards have always been fascinating and everything about mysticism has always fascinated me. Now I regret that I don't have my own Tarot deck, I would have really liked to see those cards myself and imagine character behind them. This book was amazing start to this series. The next book is sure to be something at least as great, maybe even better (I hope). Impatient reader might get a little frustrated with this book, because the plot and meaning behind everything is revealed in very small pieces and I have to admit that I was really baffled a lot. But after this book, my expections are really high, because I believe that the next book will be really exciting and full of action now that the plot and idea behind everything is finally revealed.
I don't know what else to say about this book. It was awesome, gorgeous and one of a kind. Mysticism, superpowers and the end of the world is geared up together into a seamless story, which, at least in my opinion, was something completely unique. The next book is already in my shelf and I can't wait to begin reading it.
(tbr goal 16/200)
Posted by Riikka S in 5 stars, apocalypse, Arcana Chronicles, dystopia, fantasy, Kresley Cole, magic, paranormal, romance, tbr goal, urban fantasy, YA, zombies

Can Tessa pose as Madison . . . and stop a killer before it’s too late?
Tessa is a Variant, able to absorb the DNA of anyone she touches and mimic their appearance. Shunned by her family, she’s spent the last two years training with the Forces with Extraordinary Abilities, a secret branch of the FBI. When a serial killer rocks a small town in Oregon, Tessa is given a mission: she must impersonate Madison, a local teen, to find the killer before he strikes again.
Tessa hates everything about being an impostor—the stress, the danger, the deceit—but loves playing the role of a normal girl. As Madison, she finds friends, romance, and the kind of loving family she’d do anything to keep. Amid action, suspense, and a ticking clock, this super-human comes to a very human conclusion: even a girl who can look like anyone struggles the most with being herself.
Impostor wasn't my first Susanne Winnacker's book that I've read, I've read The Orher Life too. So I had certain expections about this book based on The Other Life. My expections were met and this was really great book.
The main character is Tessa, a Variant, who can absorb other people's DNA and mimic their appearance. There are all kinds of Variant, one can turn invincible, one can reads minds and someone is superstrong. There all kinds of people with different gifts. Their abilities are inheritable, but useally they skip one generation. Tessa lives in FEA's (secret branch of the FBI) training facility with other Variants. Tessa's childhood was pretty lousy, her mother thought that Tessa was a freak, especially when Tessa couldn't control her ability as a child.
Tessa gets a chance to go on a real mission to catch a serial murderer in small town in Oregon. Tessa's job is to impersonate Madison, one of the victims. Being a impostor terrifies Tessa, but she also loves playing the role of a normal girl in a normal family. But Tessa needs to remember that her job is to kind the murderer before it's too late. And they have no clue who the murderer is. There are multiple suspects. Is it the jealous ex-boyfriend? Or maybe Madison's brother who seems to be hiding something? Or is possible that it could be the english teacher who was maybe more than just a teacher to Madison? Tessa's job is to look for clues and to find out who had the motive to kill Madison and others.
The idea about "superhero teenager" is nothing new, and the first that came to my mind was X-Men. And there are some similarities. Not that much, but the basic idea is similar. But the story is well written and I loved the characters. They're deep and well thought. There were those small details about their past and personality that made them whole. And there were these little things that were left pretty vague, like Tessa's family, and maybe we'll learn more about then in next books. Tessa's father and brother were mentioned, but that was it. Nothing else was told, so I'm pretty sure that we'll get back to that in some point. I hope. I'm pretty curious about them and I have my own theories (as usual).
The story progressed nicely and there were balance. Action, romance, mystery, thriller.. They were all there and I believe that there were something for everyone. Some questions were left without answer, so there's something to look forward to in next books.
Posted by Riikka S in 2013, mystery, paranormal, romance, scifi, thriller, YA
So.. Here's my list:
J. R. R. Tolkien (The Lords of the Rings...)
C.S. Lewis (Narnia...)
Philip Pullman (The Golden Compass...)
Terry Pratchett (Discworld-series...)
Leo Tolstoi (Anna Karenina, War and Peace...)
John Irving
Charles Dickens
Stieg Larsson (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo...)
Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook...)
Jane Austen
Yeah.. Shame on me. I should really read at least some of these...
Posted by Riikka S in Top Ten Tuesday

Who is she? Battered and bruised, she first becomes aware of her total loss of memory while walking on a dark, lonely road. Before she arrives in an unfamiliar town called Valleyview, she makes up a name-Alice Strong--and claims she's eighteen. Her injuries heal and she accepts a job at the local nursing home. During her first day of work, a patient passes away, posed as if ready for burial. Alice can't understand why the death of an old woman she doesn't know hits her so hard. When a second resident dies in the same position, the director of nurses, Betty Cranston, is positive residents are being murdered. She fears for her paralyzed mother. And she suspects Alice. Alice must remember her past to help prove her innocence. When she remembers this wasn't her first blackout, dread holds her back because what she does recall might all disappear a third time. Can she piece her puzzle together before the killer strikes again? Should she even try?
I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.
This book wasn't my usual genre. Normally I read mostly fantasy, but it's good to read something different once in a while and still was great chance to do just that. I liked the book and I'm goingto give it 4 stars. I was thinking something between 3 and 4 stars, but in the end I decided that 4 stars was closer.
The summary tells pretty good what this book is about, so I'm not going to tell anything more about it, so I don't spoil too much or repeat things. As I said before, this was not my usual genre, but when I was younger I used to read lot of books like this one. It was nice to read murdermystery that wasn't so gory or violent. Sometimes there were times when I was bit confused when POV changed and time changed, but recovered quickly and I was back on track. It was also nice that the real villain was relealed just in the end, it didn't guess it at all.
This was a bit minireview, but I really don't know what else to write. I liked it and that's it. :)

One Girl.
Two Worlds.
Three Questions.
What lies beneath the hidden secret?
Can love rise above the inevitable?
And most importantly, where will her fate lead her?
Amanda Chaste had lived what she considered an average life in New Jersey, looked after and cared for by her grandmother. But when she accidentally meets an enigmatic stranger from out of town, her world is drastically thrown upside down. A hidden secret has been buried in the past and not even Amanda can save herself from her own fate.
Conflicted and tormented within her own flesh, discovering her true identity will prove to be something that will change her life forever.
I received this from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.
I'm sorry, I really tried to read this, but I just didn't like the book and couldn't finish it. I hang in there about half way throught, but I finally gave up bacause I was still not clear about what the plot in this book was.
The summary of the book is rather vague and it didn't tell very much. In fact, when I first started the book, I hardly know what I was getting into. The beginning of the book was rather vague too. I ungerstood that there was something about demons or stuff, but that was all. But on the other hand, thing moved pretty quickly, but it still took quite a while before I understood really what was going on. In the beginning there was some strange and mystical event, but it all seemed pretty obscure.
Amanda's behavior was at least in the beginning a little bit strange. Maybe strange is not the right word for it, but that's what I'm going to use. Of cource it's possible that some people just have a very good intuiiton, but it still felt pretty odd that she twisted drunk driving, drowning and a gas leek into something strange, when I think it's really not. Maybe it is bit strange that many people die in a such short amount of time, but that's it. But they all seemed like accidents, so who would've guessed that there's something strange going on? Also Amanda's interest towards Mitch seemed a bit odd. She runs into Mitch one time in a party and he's rude. So what? Is rudeness only reason why Amanda thinks there's something strange about Mitch? And that's why she needs to get answers. To what exactly she needs answers? I'm sorry, but the whole thing seemed rather stupid and bit far fetched. Amanda seemd to drive into coclusions pretty fast. Od cource there is something strange about Mitch, but how on earth she could know that? It seems impossible to Amanda make those conclusions without any evidense. I really hoped that there would be something more. For me, events did not seem very plausible.
I just could not help it, I did not like the book. In general, I'm not very picky reader, but now I just simply could not finish it. The whole plot seemed very vague and things progressed too fast. First I was completely clueless, then suddenly almost everything is explained. When I finally understood what was going on, I didnät get what plot was supposed to be. The idea behind the book seemed pretty interesting, but the story itself seemed really hastily written, like it wasn't really thought through. And there really didn't seem to be any larger point or mystery, or at least not anything that would interest me. There wasn't anything "more". Things happened, but the point was missing. I rarely leave books unfinished, but I just didnät see any reason to continue reading this. The last pages I read, I only went through quickly in hope that something interesting would happen.
I read the author's Goodreads profile where she mentioned some authors that inspired her. Jocelyn Davies, Alexandra Adornetto and Josephine Angelini were among them and it really showed in the book. I've actually read books from all those authors and I think that there was maybe bit too much influence. This book seemed forced and almost like there were pieces taken from other books and scraped together by force without much purpose. Writing a bad revies is never fun, but sadly I must admit that this book was complete waste of my time.
Posted by Riikka S in 2012, angels, demons, did not finish, fantasy, YA

Mae never asked to be craft-born. She never wanted that burden.
The realm needs magic again, and the the King of Aegunlund has been waiting for the first craft-born girl to marry his son, Prince Casimir.
In Mae's town of Halts-Walden, the ambitious miller claims his daughter Ellen is craft-born. Mae knows this is a load of hogwash, but she's glad Ellen will have the unfortunate pleasure of becoming queen instead of her. All she has to do is sit back and wait until Casimir and Ellen are married, then she will finally be free of the threat of her fate. But on that day an event so shocking and terrible occurs that Mae finds herself entering the neighbouring cursed forest on a quest she never thought she'd have to follow.
Join Mae as she rides her white stag through the Waerg Woods with a pampered prince at her heels. She's out for revenge and nothing, no one, will get in her way.
No! No! No! Why did it end? Why? This is absolute horrible. Horrible. What am I going to do now? I was just turning the page and it wasn't there. This is torture. How is it possible that it ended like that? I can't believe it. I feel like shouting and screaming and I want to throw my e-reader to the wall. Really. I want MORE!!
So if you didn't yet get it, I LOVED the book. This was definitely one of the best books for a while. I liked the cover, it's wonfully simple and timeless. It remimded me a little of Maggie Stiefvater's Mercy Falls series ans their covers. The stories are not similar in any way, but covers are similar and I love them both. So, the cover was the first thing that got my attention. The next thing was book's summary. The craf-born idea seemed really interesting, even if the magic is not always my favorite genre. But I had really psotive expectations about this book even before I started reading and the book didn't betray those expectations. It was even better if possible.
As the summary tells us, Mae is craft-born, the only girl born in this generation with magic. And because she is craft-born, she should marry the prince, but she doesn't want to, so she hides her powers. Mae doesn't want to be a princess and she certainly doesn't want marry a guy who she doesn't know, just because those powers. However, in Mae's village these is a girl Ellen, who suddenly claims to be the craft-born. Mae of cousce knows that this is bullshit, but she is satisfied that she doesn't have to marry the prince. The prince comes to claim Ellen and something terrible happens. Ellen is kidnapped and Mae's father is killed at the same time. Mae decides to go after the crooks to avenge his fathet death as well as to retrieve Ellen. Stubborn prince decides to come with Mae and they leave to a nearby hautend woods. Mae and prince Casimir will face horrible mystical horrors is forest and Mae learns a lot of herself and what being the craft-born means. Perhaps that obligation involves more than just marrying the prince, in which Mae soon begins to fall in love with during their journey. But will Mae reveal het feeling or that she is the real craft-born instead Ellen?
The book is incrediblt well written and I really liked the characters. Mae is at first perhaps a little selfish, even thought she is brave and independent person. But as the story progress she learns a lot of herself and she grows as a person, realizing that perhaps revenge isn't the only option and perhapt there really is meaning in her powers. Prince Casimir seemed at first like a typical snooty prince, but it soon become clear that this is not the case, but the prince is really a great person and he could someday be a great king. On the way we meet other characters as well, which affect the story, but not any more about them here.
Since I'm extremely bad at writing reviews, I don't know how to better analyze this book, but I can sum up my feelings in one sentence. There wasn't anything in this book that I didn't love. There is romance and action, lies and honesty, selfish people and selfless people. And the best (or maybe the worst) was the amazing cliffhanger, which ensures that I really look forward to the next book. I just simply cannot wait for what happens next. And while I'm waiting for the next book, I'm definitely going to check out rest of Sarah Dalton's production.
Posted by Riikka S in 2014, fantasy, magic, NetGalley, romance, Sarah Dalton, White Hart, YA