Deborah Blumenthal: Mafia Girl

 What's in a name? Everything if you have my name." At her exclusive Manhattan high school, seventeen-year-old Gia is the most hated/loved girl in school. Why? Her father doesn't have a boss. He is the boss--the capo di tutti cappi, boss of all bosses. Not that Gia cares. But life gets complicated when she meets a cop she calls "Officer Hottie" and feels a suprising chemistry. Then Vogue magazine wants to feature Gia in a fashion spread about real-life bad girls. On top of this, she's running for class president. Can Gia step out from under her dad's shadow and show everyone there's more to her than "Mafia Girl?


I received free ebook via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is one of those books that was easy to read. It was light, fluffy and nice. But I think it was bit average. There wasn't anything that special. I liked this book, but I think that I will forget it pretty soon. There wasn't anything that memorable that makes this book "pop up". It was pretty average teen romance novel. I don't know. I felt like there wasn't actually any particular plot. It's pretty hard to discribe what I mean... There was this thing with Gia and her dad and can she really step away from his shadow and be her own person. And there were of course that romance thing. But I really wanted something more.

I think that I was too old for this book. I'm not old, old (I'm 24), but I still think that maybe I'm too old or maybe I've read so much that I have centain expectations about a book. And this one didn't rise up to them. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good for me.

I loved Clive. I'd love to read more about him. He seemed interesting. I think he deserves his own book. I liked Gia, but I loved Clive, even if he wasn't MC. He deserved more.

I don't really know what to say about this book. I know I'm repeating myself, but it really wasn't that memorable book. It was nice and it was easy to read and the cover is nice, but expected something more. Something that makes this somehow special. I'm not saying that this is a bad book, 'cos it wasn't. I think I would've liked it more if I was younger.