Archive for November 2013
Marissa Meyer: Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1)
This is actually my second time reading this book. First time was in august and now I wanted to read these fisrt books of this series as I'm waiting for next book to be published (I can't wait). I didn't review this book after first time and maybe it's good, cos after second reading, the book opened to me in whole new way and I liked this book even more than.
I can't believe it that I haven't read this book before. I mean, it took over year for me to find this book. But maybe it isn't such a surprise after all, I usually don' really like cyborgs and androids etc, they're too much scifi for me. But that wasn't the case with this book, cos when I sew the cover and started reading, I couln't help, but to love this book.
Meyer has taken the traditional Cinderella story and using it as a base, she made the whole new world and story. These are many familiar elements, like evil stepmother, two stepsisters, tha grand ball and the glass shoe (except in this story its actually Cinders fallen cyborg foot). There are also many funny little details and stuff that you can remember from the original Cinderella. Like Cinders "getaway car". “It looks more like a rotting pumpkin.” There are our heroines magic pumpkin carriege.
There are also clever mentions about upcoming books. They mention quenn Levanas stepdaughter Winter (Snow White) and Cress (Rapunzel) who lives and a satellite. I think that they are things that tells, that Meyer has really thought this story and upcoming books a lot. Considering that this is only first book in this series. She doesn't mention a lot, I think that she doensn't even mention Cresses name and Winter is just queen Levanas stepdaughter.
But what should I tell about this book without telling too much... Its really well written, and the story is smooth. Cinder is lovely, smart and strong femalelead, who has been through a lot. I loved Iko and her personality, it really was something. x) Prince Kai is wonderful. He is so fair and righteous and... I just love him. He will be great emperor who has to do some really tough choises. Queen Levana is really The Evil Queen, so cruel and wicked and ruthless.
This is absolutely one of my favourite series all time and I absolute recommend it to everyone. Even if you really donät like scifi. This book has mystery, action, romance and everything you can want. And it's scifi without being too scifi.
In finnish:
Luen tätä kirjaa itseasiassa jo toistamiseen tämän vuoden aikana. Ensimmäisen kerran luin kirjan elokuussa, ja nyt ajattelin lukea sarjan ensimmäiset osat uudestaan odotellessani seuraavan osan julkaisua (jota en malta odottaa). Ensimmäisen lukukerran jälkeen en kirjaa arvioinut ja ehkä hyvä niin, koska toisen lukukirjan jälkeen kirja avautui täysin uudella tavalla ja pidin kirjasta jopa vielä enemmän kuin ensimmäisen lukukerran jälkeen.
Uskomatonta, että tämä kirja oli jäänyt minulta lukematta niin pitkään. Toisaalta se ei ole ihme, koska yleensä kyborgit, androidit yms. on hieman liian scifiä minulle. Perun puheeni kuitenkin täysin tämän kirjan kohdalla, koska kun näin kirjan kannen ja aloitin lukemisen ja todella ymmärsin mistä tarinassa on kyse, en voinut kuin rakastua kirjaan.
Meyer on ottanut perinteisen Tuhkimo-tarinan käsittelyynsä ja sitä runkona käyttäen muotoillut täysin uudenlaisen maailman ja täysin uudenlaisen tarinan. Monet tutut elementit tarinasta löytyvät, kuten kamala äitipuoli, kaksi sisarpuolta ja pudonnut lasikenkä (tässä tapauksessa kuitenkin kyse on tietenkin kyborgin jalasta). Tarkka lukija huomaa myös pieniä yksityiskohtia, jotka eivät ole niin selkeitä, mutta kuitenkin tuttuja perinteisestä Tuhkimosta. Itseä huvitti esimerkiksi Cinderin "pakoauto", jonka ulkonäkö oli kuin pilaantuva kurpitsa. Tässä siis tarinamme Tuhkimon kurpitsavaunut.
Kirjassa pohjustetaan myös nokkelasti jo tulevia kirjoja, kun mainitaan kuningatar Levanan tytärpuoli Winter (Lumikki), sekä satelliitissa asuva Cress (Tähkäpää). Tämä kertoo siitä, että kirjailija on hyvin suunnittellut sarjaa jo paljon eteenpäinkin, vaikka kyseessä on vasta sarjan avausosa. Kovin paljoa näistä hahmoista ei kerrota, Cressin nimeä ei muistaakseni edes mainita, vaikka hän muuten tarinassa vilahtaakin ja Winteristä taas kerrotaan vain, että tämä on Levanan tytärpuoli.
Mutta mitä kertoisiinkaan itse kirjasta ja sen tapahtumista paljastamassa kuitenkaan liikaa... Tarina etenee hyvää tahtia ja asioita on selvästi mietitty tarkkaan, koska itselleni ei ainakaan tullut mieleen mitään epäloogisuuksia. Cinder on hurmaava, nokkela ja vahva naishahmo, joka on kokenut kovia elämässään siltikään lannistumatta. Sivuhahmoista mieleeni jäi kaikkein parhaiten androidi Iko, jonka persoonallisuus todella on aivan omaa luokkaansa. Prinssi Kai on oikeudenmukainen ja reilu tuore keisari, joka joutuu tekemään paljon vaikeita päätöksiä pelastaakseen maansa ja kenties koko planeettamme. Kuningatar Levana on juuri sellainen kuin ilkeä kuningatar kuvitelmissani voisi olla, armoton ja julma.
Tämä on ehdottomasti yksi sarjoista, jotka olisivat todella upeita elokuvana. Suosittelisin sarjaa ehdottomasti kaikille toiminnan, mysteerin ja romantiikan ystäville. Ja vaikkei scifi ja kyborgit eivät olisikaan suosikkityyliesi listalla, älä tuomitse kirjaa pelkän aiheen perusteella. Kirja on scifiä olematta kuitenkaan liian scifiä.
435 words.
This is actually my second time reading this book. First time was in august and now I wanted to read these fisrt books of this series as I'm waiting for next book to be published (I can't wait). I didn't review this book after first time and maybe it's good, cos after second reading, the book opened to me in whole new way and I liked this book even more than.
I can't believe it that I haven't read this book before. I mean, it took over year for me to find this book. But maybe it isn't such a surprise after all, I usually don' really like cyborgs and androids etc, they're too much scifi for me. But that wasn't the case with this book, cos when I sew the cover and started reading, I couln't help, but to love this book.
Meyer has taken the traditional Cinderella story and using it as a base, she made the whole new world and story. These are many familiar elements, like evil stepmother, two stepsisters, tha grand ball and the glass shoe (except in this story its actually Cinders fallen cyborg foot). There are also many funny little details and stuff that you can remember from the original Cinderella. Like Cinders "getaway car". “It looks more like a rotting pumpkin.” There are our heroines magic pumpkin carriege.
There are also clever mentions about upcoming books. They mention quenn Levanas stepdaughter Winter (Snow White) and Cress (Rapunzel) who lives and a satellite. I think that they are things that tells, that Meyer has really thought this story and upcoming books a lot. Considering that this is only first book in this series. She doesn't mention a lot, I think that she doensn't even mention Cresses name and Winter is just queen Levanas stepdaughter.
But what should I tell about this book without telling too much... Its really well written, and the story is smooth. Cinder is lovely, smart and strong femalelead, who has been through a lot. I loved Iko and her personality, it really was something. x) Prince Kai is wonderful. He is so fair and righteous and... I just love him. He will be great emperor who has to do some really tough choises. Queen Levana is really The Evil Queen, so cruel and wicked and ruthless.
This is absolutely one of my favourite series all time and I absolute recommend it to everyone. Even if you really donät like scifi. This book has mystery, action, romance and everything you can want. And it's scifi without being too scifi.
In finnish:
Luen tätä kirjaa itseasiassa jo toistamiseen tämän vuoden aikana. Ensimmäisen kerran luin kirjan elokuussa, ja nyt ajattelin lukea sarjan ensimmäiset osat uudestaan odotellessani seuraavan osan julkaisua (jota en malta odottaa). Ensimmäisen lukukerran jälkeen en kirjaa arvioinut ja ehkä hyvä niin, koska toisen lukukirjan jälkeen kirja avautui täysin uudella tavalla ja pidin kirjasta jopa vielä enemmän kuin ensimmäisen lukukerran jälkeen.
Uskomatonta, että tämä kirja oli jäänyt minulta lukematta niin pitkään. Toisaalta se ei ole ihme, koska yleensä kyborgit, androidit yms. on hieman liian scifiä minulle. Perun puheeni kuitenkin täysin tämän kirjan kohdalla, koska kun näin kirjan kannen ja aloitin lukemisen ja todella ymmärsin mistä tarinassa on kyse, en voinut kuin rakastua kirjaan.
Meyer on ottanut perinteisen Tuhkimo-tarinan käsittelyynsä ja sitä runkona käyttäen muotoillut täysin uudenlaisen maailman ja täysin uudenlaisen tarinan. Monet tutut elementit tarinasta löytyvät, kuten kamala äitipuoli, kaksi sisarpuolta ja pudonnut lasikenkä (tässä tapauksessa kuitenkin kyse on tietenkin kyborgin jalasta). Tarkka lukija huomaa myös pieniä yksityiskohtia, jotka eivät ole niin selkeitä, mutta kuitenkin tuttuja perinteisestä Tuhkimosta. Itseä huvitti esimerkiksi Cinderin "pakoauto", jonka ulkonäkö oli kuin pilaantuva kurpitsa. Tässä siis tarinamme Tuhkimon kurpitsavaunut.
Kirjassa pohjustetaan myös nokkelasti jo tulevia kirjoja, kun mainitaan kuningatar Levanan tytärpuoli Winter (Lumikki), sekä satelliitissa asuva Cress (Tähkäpää). Tämä kertoo siitä, että kirjailija on hyvin suunnittellut sarjaa jo paljon eteenpäinkin, vaikka kyseessä on vasta sarjan avausosa. Kovin paljoa näistä hahmoista ei kerrota, Cressin nimeä ei muistaakseni edes mainita, vaikka hän muuten tarinassa vilahtaakin ja Winteristä taas kerrotaan vain, että tämä on Levanan tytärpuoli.
Mutta mitä kertoisiinkaan itse kirjasta ja sen tapahtumista paljastamassa kuitenkaan liikaa... Tarina etenee hyvää tahtia ja asioita on selvästi mietitty tarkkaan, koska itselleni ei ainakaan tullut mieleen mitään epäloogisuuksia. Cinder on hurmaava, nokkela ja vahva naishahmo, joka on kokenut kovia elämässään siltikään lannistumatta. Sivuhahmoista mieleeni jäi kaikkein parhaiten androidi Iko, jonka persoonallisuus todella on aivan omaa luokkaansa. Prinssi Kai on oikeudenmukainen ja reilu tuore keisari, joka joutuu tekemään paljon vaikeita päätöksiä pelastaakseen maansa ja kenties koko planeettamme. Kuningatar Levana on juuri sellainen kuin ilkeä kuningatar kuvitelmissani voisi olla, armoton ja julma.
Tämä on ehdottomasti yksi sarjoista, jotka olisivat todella upeita elokuvana. Suosittelisin sarjaa ehdottomasti kaikille toiminnan, mysteerin ja romantiikan ystäville. Ja vaikkei scifi ja kyborgit eivät olisikaan suosikkityyliesi listalla, älä tuomitse kirjaa pelkän aiheen perusteella. Kirja on scifiä olematta kuitenkaan liian scifiä.
435 words.
Posted by Riikka S in 2012, 5 stars, Cinder, dystopia, fairy tales, fantasy, Lunar Chronicles, Marissa Meyer, romance, scifi, YA
Sarah J. Maas: Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass, #2)
OMFG! That should say it all! This just might be the best book I've read this whole year. Really. The best.

I just can't wait to see what happens next and the next book comes out next year. Next year?! No!! And it doesn't have even a name yet. This wait it going to be soooo long.
But this book. I don't even know how to explain it. At first I wasn't that impressed. But then there was some actions and the plot start to thicken and there are mysteries after mysteries and you just can't stop reading. You just have to know what happens next. The characters are so amazing, they're so detailed and everything works. I'm still rooting for Celeana and Dorian, I just can't see Chaol and Celeana together. But I think that this just might be one of those series that the main lady doesn't need any man. She can make it on her own. Caleana is one of the strongest female characters and I just can't wait to see her next move. It could be that she doesn't end up with anyboby in the end. I could certainly see it happen.
And I really can't make up my mind about Chael. I don't know where his loyalties lay in the end. The ending was pretty confusing, I think. He know the truth now, but what is he going to do with that knowledge? It remains to be seen. I think that I need to read this book again and really think things again.
OMFG! That should say it all! This just might be the best book I've read this whole year. Really. The best.

I just can't wait to see what happens next and the next book comes out next year. Next year?! No!! And it doesn't have even a name yet. This wait it going to be soooo long.
But this book. I don't even know how to explain it. At first I wasn't that impressed. But then there was some actions and the plot start to thicken and there are mysteries after mysteries and you just can't stop reading. You just have to know what happens next. The characters are so amazing, they're so detailed and everything works. I'm still rooting for Celeana and Dorian, I just can't see Chaol and Celeana together. But I think that this just might be one of those series that the main lady doesn't need any man. She can make it on her own. Caleana is one of the strongest female characters and I just can't wait to see her next move. It could be that she doesn't end up with anyboby in the end. I could certainly see it happen.
And I really can't make up my mind about Chael. I don't know where his loyalties lay in the end. The ending was pretty confusing, I think. He know the truth now, but what is he going to do with that knowledge? It remains to be seen. I think that I need to read this book again and really think things again.
But the ending.. I KNEW IT! I knew it right from the start...
Posted by Riikka S in 5 stars, Crown of Midnight, Fae, fantasy, romance, Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass, YA
Richelle Mead: The Fiery Heart (Bloodlines, #4)
First of all... Sorry Richelle Mead, but I don't like the cover. I just don't like it. But luckily I love all your books, so I'm willing to forgive you. But just so you know, the cover is horrible. I know that there are lots of people who love it, but I'm not one of them.

I couldn't wait, so I read it as soon as possible. It took me only few hours. And now it's over and now I need to eait yet another book.. Nooo... But maybe I can manage, I have to.
But about this book. Sydrian. Finally. Love it, love it, love it! The plot thickens and things start to really heaten up and I think that things are just waiting to explode. And as you can see, it happened. The ending was so tradig. So sad. Awful. No, no, no!!I think I need a little moment to really cry.
But the book was absolutely amazing. I have no other word for it. I loved every minute of it. The ending was pretty sad and awful and everything, but it did it's job. I just can't wait to read next book. The waiting is going to be torture. Really. I love this series so much.
First of all... Sorry Richelle Mead, but I don't like the cover. I just don't like it. But luckily I love all your books, so I'm willing to forgive you. But just so you know, the cover is horrible. I know that there are lots of people who love it, but I'm not one of them.

I couldn't wait, so I read it as soon as possible. It took me only few hours. And now it's over and now I need to eait yet another book.. Nooo... But maybe I can manage, I have to.
But about this book. Sydrian. Finally. Love it, love it, love it! The plot thickens and things start to really heaten up and I think that things are just waiting to explode. And as you can see, it happened. The ending was so tradig. So sad. Awful. No, no, no!!I think I need a little moment to really cry.
But the book was absolutely amazing. I have no other word for it. I loved every minute of it. The ending was pretty sad and awful and everything, but it did it's job. I just can't wait to read next book. The waiting is going to be torture. Really. I love this series so much.
Posted by Riikka S in Bloodlines, fantasy, magic, Michelle Mead, paranormal romance, romance, The Fiery Heart, vampires, YA